‘gm’ (v2) (2023)
Generative art using typography and phrases in p5.js
NFT minted on fx(hash)
This is the genesis Optimystery drop, many hours in the making, and refined to consistently output a nice balance of variation and great compositions.
Inspired by Neville Brody’s early digital typography experiments, I created an infinite graphic design typography generator, using selected fonts (all licensed for commercial use).
The default phrase is “gm”, and you can add other variations and crypto-meme phrases using the fxparams.
The algorithm first chooses: using all available fonts, using fonts with a particular tag/style (comix, gamer, handwriting), or picking between 1 and 10 random fonts. Fonts are also given a weighting to show more aesthetically effective ones more often. The code then picks a phrase, gives it a size, position, colour (from a probability of bright HSL colors, black, white, or a color from a range of pre-defined palettes), chooses whether to apply a gradient or blend mode, then repeats this process every 500ms, overlaying phrases on top of each other. You can change the speed of the draw in increments of 100ms using the slider.
Pause the output by pressing ‘p’ (while focused in the window), and save to .png by pressing ‘s’. If you want to print a particularly well-composed interesting frame, you should experiment with the pixel density setting beforehand, depending on the size you need based on the 300dpi required for print. The artwork will size to your viewport.
According to fx(hash) submission rules the randomness is seeded, and will produce the same result each time the code is run from an auto-generated seed.
Enjoy as a meditation on the ephemeral and infinite nature of “gm”, and use to produce a wall-ready print to remind you.. “gm”